October is support your independent nursery month, in Austin.

Here is a great idea from a garden blogger in Austin Texas, Pam Penick of  "Digging".  This grass-roots stuff interests me  more than that American Express Small Business Saturday effort of last year.  Pam say's, "Dear Austin gardeners and bloggers everywhere, I hereby declare October to be Support Your Independent Nursery Month. Fall is our best planting time in the South, and even though the U.S. recession and Texas drought drag on, we gardeners must get our fix after the long, hot summer. As I was thinking about my fall shopping list, I began to wonder whether the drought and tough economic times were impacting the many wonderful local nurseries with which the Austin area is blessed." Yes Pam, they are having a tough go of it like most small garden centers. Ideas like this will resonate more with people because Pam is a fellow gardener, and respected by her readership. When large corporations like American Express try the same, "local is good" thing it just doesn't resonate. Maybe because American Express was one of the companies that cancelled ours, and many small businesses credit lines when we could have used them the most. Thanks Am Ex.

Do you have a local garden blogger in your neck of the woods? Do they do stuff like this?  When in  your area is the "support your  local independent garden center month"?

Great idea Pam.