Logon to grow

Our Facebook Group, Independent Garden Centers or Nurseries has launched a fan page here. The page, Locally

Owned Garden Centers or Nurseries (LOGON) is open to all. Our Indie Facebook page is closed, only open to people who work at or own a independent retail garden center.  Our new fan page is for anyone who is a fan of locally owned business, especially garden centers and nurseries.

Are you a gardener who has found out why it's important to not end up with only box stores to buy plants at? Are you a wholesale nursery who services the independent garden center world? What about garden bloggers and other media that want to keep locally owned business, in business? Are you tired of "industry events" where everyone pat's everyone else on the back, but nothing really gets done? If you are then head over and "like" us today.

Our Indie Garden Center group now has 260 members representing garden centers and nurseries around the world. Having been in the retail garden center biz for 30 years I have seen many nursery organizations come and go.  Our local nursery organizations are practically non-existent. I miss the monthly meetings where we had the opportunity to meet with others who share the same trade. I don't miss them anymore. This nursery group has solved more issues, developed more ideas, and inspired more people in it's short existence than most organizations I have belonged to. We are changing the face of garden retail each and everyday.

Now it's time to bring everyone together who supports LOGON's (Locally owned garden centers or nurseries). That's the purpose of the new page. To gather like minded people together for further adventures. Our nursery group will use the new page to communicate our ideas. You can use the page to express your support, or tell the group about your service for locally owned nurseries. It's an open group and everyone is invited to participate.

If your tired of "gardening personalities" telling you just how great that new hybridized flower from that multi-national corporation is, we are the place for you. Tired of all the hype and money that is spent in useless efforts to get more people to garden? Help us keep local, and independent "top of mind" when it comes gardening by "liking" our page today!

"The bus came by and I got on, that's when it all began..." The bus is leaving, all aboard!