What are you ingesting?

Some fantastic micro-photographs of marijuana leaves. This photograph stood out for me as it's a common point of discussion among'st growers. How to get rid of the chemical taste left after using synthetic fertilizers on your crop.

Most synthetic fertilizers leave a "salt/chemical" buildup which needs to be flushed out of the plant before harvest. If it's isn't flushed, chemical crystals remain giving the herb a "harsh taste". This picture shows why it might be wise to start growing all your edibles organically. When grown using organic fertilizers no chemicals are left in, or on the plant.

I would assume this same idea holds true for most crops grown with chemical fertilizers. This does not even take into account possible synthetic pesticides being used.

More photos here:http://www.leafscience.com/2014/04/22/heres-marijuana-looks-like-microscope/

A Magical Christmas

Father Christmas is out and about! It appears he has the help of some diminutive elves, who's small size seems compensated for by their large numbers. It's going to be a long night, but somehow they still manage to visit everyone who believes in the magic of the season.

Merry Christmas!

Father Christmas, 1907. From Arthur Rackham’s Book Of Pictures (1913)

Rainy season off to a great start

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Living Wild: Gardening, Cooking and Healing with Native Plants of California

This book caught my attention while visiting Nevada City the other day. The authors, Alicia Funk and Karin Kaufman are both from Nevada City and have written a book about using the native flora of The Sierra Nevada as both food, and medicine. As my interest in using local produced products has grown, the idea of using the native flora only makes sense. It doesn't get more local than that. 

The authors listed 5 essential reasons for taking the time to learn about, and use native plants. 

1. Cultivate an Independent Carbon-Neutral lifestyle.

2. Enjoy 100% local nutrition that is gluten-free and vitamin-rich.

3.Say no to nature deficit disorder.

4. Preserve cultural knowledge.

5. Protect biodiversity and habitat. 

Reading about Manzanita one finds that the berries, flowers, and leaves can all be used. You can make Manzanita cider, Manzanita hard cider, or mix some Douglas Fir with it and enjoy MAnzanita and Douglas Fir Cider. You can also make Manzanita Blossom Jelly, Manzanita crackers, Manzanita granola, Manzanita muffins, and Manzanita sugar.

Manzanita Berry Sugar

Collect berries in early fall

-Dry berries

-Grind coarsely, on the lowest speed, in a food processor for several minutes

-To separate seeds and skins from the berry "sugar" place slightly ground berries in a coarse-weave sifter or mesh strainer. Use a wooden spoon to push the sugar through the strainer.

-Store sugar in an airtight container in a cool location.

-Keep left over seeds and skins to make Manzanita cider.

TIP: Grind 2 cups of berries to get 3/4 cup of sugar. Add Manzanita berry sugar to oatmeal, tea, and anything else you wish to sweeten. I can't wait to give this a try. 

The interest in where our food comes from, and how it's processed will continue to grow. One answer to the concerns about what we are eating is to "go native". Of course to live entirely off the native flora would be difficult, and not really in the cards for me. However adding native plants to the diet seems worthwhile, and fun. How fun to serve Bay Leaf ice cream after dinner. 

You can find "Living Wild" at Amazon, or perhaps your local bookstore. 


Burned forest, with ironic sign

Last year 97,000 acre King Fire burned much of The Eldorado National Forest near where we live. To get to our secret camping spot we drive through burned trees for several miles. Along the way a turn off leads to "Freanch Meadows Reservoir", as well as "Hell Hole Reservoir. " Just below the brown sign the forest service has put a sign that reads, "A Beautiful Forest Is A Matchless Sight". Not sure if it was there before the fire, or was put up after as a sort of ironic  exclamation point to the whole event.

We did see many wildflowers along the way, as well as year old tree saplings. The forest is recovering, but will take decades to look as it did before. Fortunately our favorite camping areas we're spared, so we will be passing through the burned out, but recovering forest, for some time to come.