Trends report shows a 40% drop in garden spending for 2013.

061.JPG Here is the first "trends list" for 2014 that I have seen. It's put out by The Garden Media Group and is published in Garden Center Magazine under the heading, "Buying Power Shifts To Millennials And Female Home Owners".  The trends listed are:

  1. Women's financial power at unprecedented levels.
  2. Millennials are a buying force.
  3. Seeking happiness in a wired world.
  4. Sustainability trend continues to deepen.
  5. Garden buying in flux.
  6. Alcohol and garden a happy mix.

The interesting part for the garden center world comes under 5, and Garden Buying in Flux. I am not surprised, but still the amount is staggering. Listing how Americans spend their money , number 1 is shopping for Christmas accounting for $586 billion. It's followed by weight loss methods at $61 billion, and gardening at $58 billion.

Unfortunately the trends report had the lowest response in years for gardening. "2013 average spending is projected at $278 — 40 percent below 2012 at $470". That's a huge drop! While the Millennials may have entered the home owner stage there are simply fewer of them than there we're "Baby Boomers". In addition, the Millennials are broke and don't have a lot of excess cash for things like gardening. That's not going to change for awhile.