Garden Writers Today calls it quits

Garden Writers Today, is pulling the plug. This website was run by Cool Springs Press. Ray Wolf, publisher had this to say. "Effective October 31, 2011, Garden Writers Today website and newsletter will cease publication. Originally, GWT was conceived as a way to build a community among garden writers. As I look back on that goal today, it seems to me that, given the technological advances that have taken place since GWT was launched, other forms of social media have taken over the role of community builder and facilitator. Garden writers have many more gathering places today than they did when GWT was launched. Plus, the granddaddy of them all, Garden Writers Association, is stronger than ever."

The question is, are writers going to migrate from Garden Writers Today to The Garden Writers Association? We're they already members of both organizations? Or will more small niche oriented organizations develop? My guess is the latter. The trend is more niche oriented sites that mach up with the participants views.

Have you noticed the similarity between the logo saying for Garden Writers Today, "Dig, Plant, Grow" and the bulb campaign, "The Dig, Drop, Done" Ladies? Interesting. Garden Writers Today used the saying first.