When it comes to social media platforms, Linkedin seems the odd one out. Compared to Facebook, Twitter, and even Google+, Linkedin seems little mentioned in the press. So it was a surprise when I read an article titled, "LinkedIn's 4Q gets rave reviews from investors" in SF Gate. According to the article, "the latest quarter was highlighted by an influx of 15 million accounts to propel LinkedIn's total membership beyond 200 million. Visitors to LinkedIn's website also viewed 67 percent more pages than the previous year, an indication that the company's efforts to add more business news and career tips from top business executives are paying off."
I started to notice an increase in new membership last year at our Linkedin Group, "Garden Centers, Nurseries, and New Media". We now stand at almost 5500 members from all over the world. What interested me is watching the membership grow when large horticultural concerns close down or downsize. You hear that so-and-so company is closing down, and suddenly new members join from that company, likely putting their feelers out for work. Linkedin has job boards where you can look for work, or post for workers.
The horticultural fields are changing rapidly and job disruption is becoming more common. If you want to get into, or stay in the horticultural trades where can you go and see what's available in the field? Do you have a job opening you would like to promote to forward thinking people? Join our group and post it here.