
Still a big opportunity for "real" green businesses

Had no idea the hullabaloo that would arise after my Tweet of an article from Garden Center Magazine about the partnership between Scotts Miracle-Gro and The National Wildlife Federation and their "Be Out There" campaign. It illustrates well the the idea behind my last post, "You Can't Design a Marketing Campaign to Go Viral". It picked up a life of it's own because people feel passionate about the subject, and decided to share with their friends. Passion helps spread ideas.

I found this post from July of 2008 after searching my blog for the term, "greenwashing". The only thing I would change from that post is this sentence, "Blogs are becoming the the news source for the new millennium." To be relevant today it should say, "Social media is becoming the news source for the new millennium."

Here is my Twitter account if you would like to follow.

Will people tire of "green" issues?

blog_plasticbagban.jpgWill people soon tire of all the talk about green issues. This article at "Project Green Industry" would seem to indicate that they might. I think what people will tire of is false claims of being green.

Ikea, the Swedish retail , in a attempt to keep plastic out of landfills has started changing 5 cents for a plastic bag. This was splashed all over media when they did this. Ikea "cares". Recently we went there to get some furniture and after spending over $500 I was refused a plastic bag for the small stuff unless we paid for it. O.K., Ikea "cares".

You have to assemble Ikea products. They are packaged in cardboard and plastic and by the time you are done assembling the products the mound of plastic and cardboard is actually surprising. It's almost like they go out of their way to use extra plastic and cardboard.

The furniture is well protected from shipping damage, which is good. What's irritating is the claim that Ikea is going "green" because they charge for plastic bags. Gee, they are helping keep plastic out of the landfill, yet after assembling the furniture the amount of plastic and cardboard is hundreds of times greater than the small plastic bag.

So is Ikea "green"? Everyones opinion of what "green" means is different but Ikea does not seem very green to me. It seems to me that Ikea is using the green issue and the anti-plastic bag movement to score points. If they we're truly concerned about the environment they wouldn't be penalizing the customer 5cents for a bag and instead would be working on cutting down on the amount of plastics and cardboard their products use.

Just before we left we went to get a cup of coffee at the Ikea coffee shop. The coffee maker was low after we filled the cups half way so the crew nicely made a new pot for us but threw away the half filled cup's and used new cups! Cups hot so could we have a cup holder? No problem, they put that cups inside other cups. They meant well.

It's obvious the the company culture is not "green", despite their attempt to appear green. This is what's going to tire the public. Claims that are not backed up by action. If Ikea was really attempting to reduce the waste in landfills they wouldn't be fussing over the obvious target these days, the plastic bag. To me the whole 5 cent per bag issue smacks of phoniness.

This is why I don't go out of the way to advertise that we are a "green" business. Our actions speak louder than words. Sure it's o.k. to promote organics, organic gardening, and being green, but if you don't walk the walk it's going to seem like a obvious play to garner favorable press. This is what people are going to get tired of. The blatant phoniness of trying to weave "organic", "natural", or any other catch phrase into their ad campaigns just for good press.