The Lotus Position

Carol at May Dreams Gardens had a post titled “One Container: One Plant”, where she mentions that sometimes just one plant in a pot can make a statement. We have this Lotus plant which we have always thought makes a cool container plant all by it’s self. If you have never seen Lotus bloom it’s something else, spectacular. I will post pictures when it does. It’s in a container that we sunk into the wine barrel, which is full of water. I do put a water hyacinth or two in the water with it to help keep the water clean. Biological “Mosquito Dunk’s” keep those pests under control.

This is Sha′, she is the driver for ‘Blooms of Glen Ellen’, one of our bedding plant suppliers. Recently when we needed bedding plants and had missed the cutoff time she volunteered to extend her driving time, and make sure we got our flowers for the weekend. It’s people like her that make small nurseries happen. Thanks Sha′.

She has a collection of hats, and you never know what she will show up in.