Ingo Arndt, a wildlife photographer from Germany recently visited me. Check out his blog for fantastic samples of his work. His visit was a result of a post I did on the ladybug breeding grounds near here in May of 2007. I wrote about Ingos visit here, and the interesting way he found me. The photos may end up in a European nature magazine.
They are doing a piece on hibernation, hence Ingos visit to the hibernating ladybugs. I know it may take some time to download the photos, but I wanted to show the detail Ingo was able to extract. To get a sense of the detail, click the pictures for a full view. The second photo is of the ladybugs in the bark of a Ponderosa Pine. I enjoyed being Ingo's guide, and am amazed how people from around the world can connect these days. What a wonderful world and time we live in.