Take a look at this article on "(Almost)Endless Summer , How seasonal businesses get noticed during slow periods" at Inc.com, "The Daily Resource for Entrepreneurs" There are some tips from others in seasonal businesses on how to keep customers interested during slow periods. The first one is from Adams Fairacre Farms, a Poughkeepsie, New York, company that operates three garden and grocery stores. They discusses the success of their seminar program. Here at our nursery it has been one of the best investments of time we have made. The seminar, or as we call them "workshops" brings people in, and the sales follow. If your garden center has someone who likes to speak don't delay, start a seminar program today!
Number 6 is from a florists perspective. See how they used little known holidays and celebrations to boost business. This is a great idea and could be extended to the garden center. Who get's a Arbor Day Card sent to them?
Number 4 is why I found this article. I had forgotten about being interviewed so it was fun seeing, "Blog, especially about the big names in your industry." Yea, it's The Blogging Nurseryman and his, "something of a must read in the industry" blog. It's really a kick to see The Golden Gecko Garden Center mentioned. We are a small, three (sometimes 4) person operation in the Sierra Nevada Foothills of northern California. Yet, because of new media and my belief that any company no matter how small can make a difference, here we are.
The article makes it seem somewhat like I write about "The Big Boys" in our industry to get the blog attention. I have never written about Home Depot, Hines Nursery, Scotts, etc., to gain attention. Sure those posts bring a lot of viewers, but I write about these companies, and others because they matter to my business. I am not out to "get" anyone. We are just a small business with big competition, and that's some of what we write about. It's interesting, but by just being ourselves we have gotten more attention than we ever thought possible.
What other industries are being changed right now because the "small" players now have a voice?