You can't design a marketing campaign to go viral

Why do marketing experts tell us that we should design our marketing to go viral? How do you design anything with the idea that people will spread the idea or product enough that it goes viral? You can’t. It’s up to the end-user to spread the word, and if the idea or product is worthy, it could go viral. Here is a video of Hula Hoop enthusiast that attached a small camera to the Hula Hoop. She thought it would be cool. What she didn't expect was how it would go viral in just a few days. 8000 views just yesterday, today almost 16,000 views. I doubt she started the project with the idea that it would be spread so quickly through the community of You Tube watchers.

Don’t design your marketing to go viral. Design your marketing to highlight the fantastic service, and products you offer, as well as helping the customer become more passionate about their gardening. Your customers will decide if it goes viral. There are some things you can do to promote the spreading of the word, but we will leave that for another day.

Check out the video. It's WOW! That's why it's spreading. What are you doing in your business that's WOW?