Taking the Next Step in My Writing

Wanted to pass along some  advice I received via Doug  Greens Blog. Well, it's actually not written to me, but it could have been. Doug Green is one of Canada’s most-published garden writer's. The title of Doug's latest post is, 4 Bits of Advice for A New Writer. I have been  looking to do more with my writing, so the subject is timely. Self-publishing is changing the world. For the first time someone can publish their own books without the assorted baggage that comes with going through a legacy publisher. You have control, which can be a scary thing, but also liberating. It's going to revitalize the book industry, and breathe life into the writers profession.

Doug has done much of the ground work in his own publishing efforts, so its great to learn from someone who is walking the talk. I wasn't going to post today but I followed Doug's advice. If you have thought about self-publishing, or taking your writing to the next level read Doug's post. Be sure to read the comments at Doug's blog for even more information.