With all the talk about garden center cafes (all the comments from that post we're lost in the move from Blogger to Wordpress. Such a shame as it was one of my most commented on posts) one wonders how one could provide a good cup of coffee or other hot drink without having to hire someone to make it and serve it. On the recommendation of Sherwood Greenhouses in Regina, Saskatchewan I bought a Tassimo Coffee Maker.
We brought it home to try it and I immediately threw the old coffee bean grinder out. This machine has completely changed our morning coffee routine. Super easy to clean this maker uses T-Pods which are pre-filled with coffee, hot chocolate, tea, etc. Place the T-Pod into the maker with the bar code facing down. The maker reads the bar code and heats the water just right for your particular drink. You can even make espresso, latte, or cappuccino. The quality of the coffee is better than when we we're grinding our own beans. Plus the machine makes just one cup at a time, so no waste. It also makes the cup usually within one minute!
We are going to buy another one and put it in the gift shop for the customers. Maybe request a dollar per cup that they can leave in a jar. This machine will be self-serve on the honor system. We'll see how it holds up under nursery use but so far we have been very pleased with the one at home. The quality of the coffee was so important, as I don't want to serve "industrial" coffee which we nursery people are famous for.
After we have used it for awhile in the store I'll post on the results.