Adopt a nursery

Here is another blogger that takes the time to visit and then talk about the nurseries she visits. Jodi DeLong of bloomingwriter in Nova Scotia has quite an extensive list. I actually ended up here from a Swedish web site Indoor Gardener. This page is in English. The home page is in Swedish which Babel fish will not translate.

The page I wish I could translate is about how to “adopt a nursery”. Jodi has quite a list of nurseries while Indoor Gardener has just started. She has a poll up this post on steam trains in nurseries, which her “adopted” nursery has.

I like this as it is a way for gardeners to spread the word about garden centers they like. This is going to happen in every town eventually. These reviews will help to drive new business to these stores, or if your bad away. First hand accounts from bloggers that are trusted will eventually be more important than all the other ways we try to get the word out.

I have started a section called "Blogs with reviews of garden centers and nurseries" in the link section. If you write nursery reviews or know of someone that does let me know and I'll include a link to it.