Adventures in California History

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Where to use (insert buzzword)

A month ago I wrote a post titled, "I love my new (Insert Brand Here)." It seemed to hit a nerve. Lot's of different brands, bloggers, and others  jumped into the fray. Some thought my analysis of the social media scene in the horticultural world a bit harsh. Over at Hugh MacLeod's Gaping Void Blog there was a guest post today from Kathy Sierra, who Hugh describes as the worlds most famous ex-blogger. Kathy use to have a wonderful blog titled, Creating Passionate Users.  Today's guest post at Hugh's was titled, "Pixie Dust And The Mountain of Mediocrity". Look's like Kathy has many of the same insights, but perhaps explained in a more articulate manner than myself.  The theme's of our two posts are the same however. Check out the graph she uses with the title, "Where to use (insert buzzword)". This is must reading if you are interested in using social media as a tactic in your overall marketing strategy.