Adventures in California History

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What's the buzz?

The way to get people to talk up your brand is to do something remarkable. If you do that then people will spread the word. Why does a place like Annie's Annuals, a smaller grower and retail operation in the SF Bay Area get so much publicity without a large advertising budget? This place has a remarkable fan base which seems to have been built on mostly word of mouth. It's because Annie and her nursery are remarkable! She has stuff you don't find elsewhere, a fun and enthusiastic atmosphere, and you feel like you know the owner. She has put herself out there, and these days that's remarkable, and people freely spread the word. Annie's brand has way more buzz than many older, or more established horticultural brands will ever have.  Just Google Annie's Annuls and you'll see page after page of great reviews. With all the advertising we are inundated with everyday how does you brand stand out? The use of social media will not spread the word when the brand is not that remarkable.  Social Media is a tactic.  As the social media scene get's filled with more and more advertising the only way any brand can hope to stand out is create something unique, and news worthy. How many brands in the horticultural world have that kind of buzz?