Garden Punks, and This Garden is Illegal
After my last post on social media I thought a couple of examples might be in order. The first is an example of how social media makes our lives better. Katie, at Garden Punks is a local garden blogger that has found herself in a sticky situation. She developed bacterial meningitis and is now in the hospital. She is quite literally fighting for her life. I have followed Katie and her blog since the beginning. She has shared the ups and downs of her gardening experiences, which has inspired other young gardeners. She has also shared her life experiences via her blog, and even though I have never met her personally she seems like an old friend. It would appear that Katie has made lot's of online friends. As of this writing she has received over 8000 responses at a website called Caring Bridge. It's a website that informs friends and family about what's going on with someone in the hospital. I receive an e-mail whenever there is an update. What an amazing use of social media. It has to be beneficial to have so many caring people pulling for you. This is an example of why social media is so important in our lives. It connects people in a way that would have been impossible in the past. 8000 responses! Amazing. We're pulling for you Katie!
Another garden blogger has come out of a prolonged hiatus. Hanna of This Garden is Illegal is writing again after a multi-month break. Hanna is an original garden blogger having posted on her blog for over four years. She found it necessary to take a break for various reasons, which she talks about at her latest post. Unlike Katie, her hiatus was for good reasons. Now that she has taken care of some things that caused her to ignore social media, she is writing again.
Social media has changed the world. In Katie's example it has brought together thousands of people who have one common goal, to see Katie through her illness and into good health. In Hanna's case a long break was just what she needed and she can pick up where she left off.
Once the novelty of social media begins to wear off it's true value can be realized. Making connections. Other than that how often you post is up to you. Maybe you only post once and a while, that's o.k. since it mirrors your personality. When you need it, the power of your connections can be utilized. The fact that I don't have to post every day is liberating. Stat counts don't matter as much as they use to. More important is making connections, and not feeling overwhelmed by it all.