Adventures in California History

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The ANLA Management Clinic is off and running.

Today is the first full day at the ANLA Management clinic here in Louisville, KY. Stayed up way too late last night talking to people. Get a bunch of nursery people together and next thing you know it's midnight, and you have to get up early the next day. We'll see just how soon I get out of this bed,  and down to the events.  They have quite a schedule here. The theme is change, and how to manage it. There is no doubt The American Nursery and Landscape Association see's the need for change within the "industry". We'll find out today how many of the folks attending feel the same way, and have an idea how to proceed. Very cool to see Jodee Scott-Fyfe of Westwood Gardens Nursery and Garden Art wearing a IGC&N Independent Garden Centers & Nurseries sticker on her name tag. We are working on getting people to join the group, yet I feel one of the strengths of our group is we found each other! That means we have a shared interest that caused us to find one another on The Internet. When you here in person it's a bit more difficult, since many are unaware how to get involved with Facebook or even if social media is worthwhile. I heard somewhere that only 30% attending thought social media worthwhile? As the old saying goes "you can lead a horse to the water, but you can't make 'em drink."

Interested in joining with other forward think nursery people on our Facebook group, but don't know how to get involved with us? Shoot me an e-mail at trey@thegoldengecko,com, and I'll walk you through it. There are lot's of people interested here, but they just don't know where to start.