An unforeseen side of plant branding?
Our last post concerned branded containers, and how they are being used by smaller growers in their production. Smaller growers recycle all sorts of containers. Proven winners, Monrovia, Flower Carpet, and other branded containers are re-planted with shrubs, perennials, and trees. So the customer buying a tree with Monrovia printed on the side could believe that the tree was grown by Monrovia. Does this concern the companies whose names are on the side of the containers? Does the customer feel they are buying a mis-represented plant? Does anyone care?
The Internet has taken advertising and turned it on its head. No longer is advertising a one way street where information is force fed to us. Now advertising includes responding to customer's conversations. It's done via customer's blogs, Facebook pages, or Tweets. Some companies are already doing this. Home Depot responded to this blog a year ago when we brought up the unkempt appearance of my local Home Depot. They are keeping an eye on what's being said about them. To their credit I noticed an improvement in the garden center section of store within a week or two. Was it just because of a blog post from a customer?
What are we suppose to do with these left over containers? I would appear it's o.k. for other growers to re-use these pots, planting whatever they like in them. This solution is the most green. Keep re-using the pot until it no longer works. I don't like the mish-mash appearance of branded container mixed in with the plain black ones, but it's not enough to keep me from re-using it. Still, I wonder about the companies that spend so much on branding their containers, only to find their name being used with all manner of vegetation. My guess is this was an unforeseen aspect of printing the companies name on the side. Unlike hang tags that can be re-moved from containers when your name is on the side it stays there forever.