Lying to make a sale?
In case you don't think the indie nursery business has enough to contend with these days, your not going to like this post over at Doug Green's Blog. The post titled, "Six White Lies Garden Centers Tell Customers", lists the various lies that garden centers tell their customers to make a sale. Perhaps in Doug's corner of the world the lies listed are commonplace. I made a comment at the post concerning my feeling on the subject, so there is no reason to go over them here. The more important point in my opinion is apparently this is a belief that is held by others. Read the first comment by Dwayne who says, "True, very true. Of course, if they told the truth they wouldn’t make a sale."
Doug is a garden writer who has a following of gardeners who look upon him as an expert. I really don't have a problem with Doug "telling it like it is", in his part of the country. I have heard this before from others in various areas that don't have quality garden centers. Having done business in Nor Cal for so long it's easy to forget that there are places where the box stores are the best game in town. What a pity, yet it's better to have a good garden center, whether it be box stores or indies.
Read Doug's post entitled, "Big Box Stores versus Independent Garden Centers" for even more good news.
Doug's post paints too broad a picture of the indie garden center business. Not all garden centers lie to make a sale.