What a weekend for the garden center. People were …
What a weekend for the garden center. People were out and about looking for gifts for mom, as well as just enjoying being outside with the nice spring weather. Lot's of people who haven't been to the center before were in. They seem to come from all over, Sacramento, Folsom, Placerville, and Auburn. This is what we want, as we build the garden center into a destination nursery. To that end we are involved in Placerville Community Pride's annual garden tour Sunday, May 21st. This is our first year on the tour and we hope to see a lot of new people as well as old friends.
The day before we will have The Needle Nellies showing off their quilts in the garden center. The effect of these works of art displayed in the garden center is quite beautiful and not to be missed.
This year there will be demonstrations including, machine quilting, applique, and hand quilting.
www.thegoldengecko.com for more info.
Today is Monday, and is the day the nursery takes a rest.
No rest for us as we were finally able to clean the other side of Empire Creek. A large willow branch had crashed down in the last storm and we finally got it cleaned up.
Mowed the grass and hooked up the sprinkler system. We're on irrigation water as of today through September. We get our water from a 100+ year old water ditch that still serves the community. This is water untreated, straight from snow melt in The Sierras. I think it helps our plants grow more healthy. Keeps's the grass greener!