Stay curious.
As we bid adieu to 2013, the New Year arrives. None of us know what it holds, but I have a couple of ideas that might be worth pursuing. Contribute more to your trade and world. With The Internet it’s easier than ever to express yourself. We need more positive expression. Contribute more time to organizations, both online and off, that you are passionate about. They need your input. Try being a little less angry, and more solution oriented. Don’t segregate people based on religion, politics, or geography.
With the ability to translate pages on The Internet there is no reason to not learn more about how people do things in other areas of the world. Likely they are working out the same challenges we are, in perhaps novel ways. In the horticultural trades we really must start broadening our views to include people and places outside our comfort zones. Inclusion trumps exclusion, to everyone’s benefit. Try translating what you want to say into the reader’s language, and vise-versa. Its fun, and at the very least will get a few laughs. We need more laughter. We need more ideas. It’s a big world out there and sometimes the solutions are waiting in the most surprising of places. You won’t know if you don’t go.
Stay very, very curious. Step outside your business or trade and explore other areas of interest. It will broaden your outlook, and bring a freshness that is often sorely needed after a season of focusing on one area of expertise. That history group, book club, or online yoga class might be just what was needed to reinvigorate you, and bring a fresh outlook. We are bigger than our jobs. Take care of the whole you.
Here’s to a fabulous New Year. Cheers!