Adventures in California History

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Scented wreath workshop

Today is our scented wreath workshop. You never know how people will respond to these workshops until you publicize them and wait for sign ups. We have had workshops where nobody signed up, and we have had workshops where more than expected signed up. Today is one of those days. Over 20 people have signed up to learn how to make a scented wreath to take home. We will have snacks and coffee or tea.

I think this workshop is popular in part because its so timely, but also because its about fragrance. Monica has gathered California bay, Incense cedar, and other fragrant and non-fragrant items to use. The one common theme is they are all from the area, gathered locally. The grape vines that make up the body of the wreath are local as well as the Toyon berries.

We will keep putting on various workshops about every week or two. We are starting to get a handle on which ones are popular and which ones are not. Never the less we will keep trying even if no one signs up. We look at each other and ask why, then move on. I think the most important thing is to keep trying until you figure out which ones work.