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The Art of Running a Small Garden Center or Nursery

I created a web page a year or so ago called The Art of Running a Small Garden Center or Nursery. I had read Tony Avent's book "So you want to start a nursery" and found it interesting, yet it seemed to be the only resource for someone thinking of starting a small nursery. In addition it was written by someone who is a grower and only opens the nursery once in a while for retail. I wanted to create a dynamic resource that could change as new ideas emerge from the perspective of a small retail garden center . Originally I started the web site just for fun and kind of updated when I felt inclined to check it out. We'll I checked it out a month or two ago and noticed it was getting quite a bit of interest. So its time to put a little focus back into the project. Head on over and let me know what you think. While your there you can rate the site or leave a little blurb at the bottom.

Please let me know if you are a garden center professional, horticultural professional, or involved in the nursery trade or allied businesses and think you should be included. I updated some of it today but know I have missed people. If you are in the trade and are new to the internet or blogging scene the more your sites are seen in different locations the better. Let me know if you want to be included on the page.

Check out some of the other web pages or lenses as they are called. The gardening section might interest you . You can also build a lens yourself on just about any subject.