Not so live oak.
We lost a huge Live Oak at our house during a storm last winter. Since we have just moved back after a year away it’s time to cut it up. This was a tree most likely around 60 years old, or older. Quercus agrifolia keeps its leaves all year, thus the reason it’s called Live oak. During a storm where received 6 inches of rain in one night it looks like the water undercut the tree and it split in half. Now it’s time to cut it up. You can see my chain saw sitting on one of the branches.
We also have Blue Oak and Black Oak on the property. They are deciduous and account for much of the fall color we have in the foothills. Since we we’re gone a water system failed and we lost some fruit trees. I don’t think I am going to replace them. We have a small vineyard and one remaining, and quite healthy ‘Arkansas Black’ Apple. I want to try planting a native grass and wild flower meadow in the old orchard.
The meadow will start growing in the fall, stay green in winter, and flower in early spring. Just after the meadow goes to seed I will cut the meadow down for fire safety during the summer. Laying dormant during the summer it will come to life again in the fall.
I have never planted a meadow myself, so it’s a new experience for me. We’ll see how it goes.